
The right tools make all the difference

A perceptive man once said, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."

This is as true for software testing as it is for any other endeavor. The inability to see the problem and its solutions can have devastating consequences. In a test environment, the inability to emulate the production environment can lead to serious misjudgement of the system's ability to process an actual load of messages, resulting in an incorrect assessment of the system's performance.

Having the right tools, ones designed to specifically handle the problems you face, is of incalcuable value. The right tools not only help you to see the problems for what they are, but also let you focus your resources in the most time- and cost-effective manner.


EFT Technologies has developed the right tools for your software testing needs.

Expertise you can rely on

The principals of EFT Technologies bring a combination of more than 70 years of MTS development, support, and testing to their products as well as extensive hands-on experience solving MTS processing challenges at Bank of America, Swiss Bank, Chase, CitiGroup, Bank of New York, Fundtech, and ACI (formerly IntraNet).

When you choose an EFT Technologies product, you're doing more than just purchasing another software package, you're investing in expertise you can rely on to meet all your MTS testing needs.

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